

The Princess Islands, a charming destination located in the Sea of Marmara near Istanbul, are among the most beautiful tourist spots in Turkey. The archipelago consists of nine islands, but only four are most famous and attract the majority of visitors: Büyükada, Heybeliada, Burgazada, and Kınalıada. These islands are renowned for their breathtaking natural beauty and golden sandy beaches, making them a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The name "Princess Islands" dates back to the Byzantine and Ottoman eras, where these islands were used as places of exile and house arrest for princesses, royal figures, and nobles who posed a threat to the ruling power or were involved in internal power struggles. Many princes and princesses were exiled to these islands, living in isolation far from the center of power in Istanbul.

Over time, the islands became known as the "Princess Islands," named after the nobles and princes who spent part of their lives there. Additionally, the islands hold a special charm due to their rich history and stunning nature, making them a unique tourist destination that combines history and natural beauty.

The Natural Beauty of the Princess Islands: Enchanting Beaches and Stunning Views

The Princess Islands boast breathtaking natural beauty, making them one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Turkey. The islands feature diverse terrain, combining dense forests, green hills, and golden sandy beaches. The islands are covered with vast expanses of trees and various plants, giving them a peaceful and serene atmosphere, far from the city's noise.

The beaches of the Princess Islands are among the most beautiful sights you can see, with their soft sands and clear blue waters. These beaches are ideal for relaxation and enjoying the sun, as well as for water sports like swimming, diving, and surfing. The beaches also offer stunning natural views at sunset, making them perfect for romantic strolls and photography.

In addition to the beaches, visitors can explore the lush forests and discover natural trails that offer panoramic views of the sea and surrounding landscapes. The natural beauty of the Princess Islands combines the tranquility of nature with the splendor of marine views, making them an ideal getaway from the stresses of daily life, and allowing visitors to enjoy an atmosphere of serenity and natural beauty.

How to Get Around the Princess Islands?

Transportation on the Princess Islands is characterized by a peaceful atmosphere, free from the noise of modern life, as cars and motorized vehicles are entirely prohibited on these islands. Instead, residents and visitors rely on bicycles and horse-drawn carriages, known as "phaetons," to get around the islands. These traditional means not only help preserve the pristine environment but also add a special charm to the islands, taking visitors back in time.

Upon arrival on the islands, you can rent a bicycle to explore the stunning nature and tree-lined trails or enjoy a romantic ride on a horse-drawn carriage that takes you on a journey through the narrow streets of the islands, filled with old houses and historic buildings. Many of the islands offer various options for renting bikes and carriages, making it easy for visitors to move freely and discover the unique beauty of these islands. This unique experience is an integral part of the charm of the Princess Islands.

As for traveling between the islands, there are various options, including boats and small ferries that connect the islands, providing an easy and enjoyable way to explore the area.

Princess Islands: A Blend of Historical Monuments and Rich Culture

The Princess Islands carry a rich historical and cultural legacy that dates back to ancient civilizations. These islands have witnessed different periods of colonization and rule, from the Byzantines to the Ottomans. Today, the islands are a fantastic tourist destination that offers an unparalleled blend of culture and history, where visitors can explore numerous tourist attractions, historical sites, and scattered monuments.

Some of the prominent cultural landmarks include:

  • Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's House: The house where Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey, lived during his exile on the islands in 1912. It has now been turned into a museum that houses many historical items and exhibits related to Atatürk and his life during that period. Visitors can tour the rooms of the house and view Atatürk's personal belongings, gaining a unique insight into the life of this prominent historical figure.
  • Aya Yorgi Mosque: One of the oldest mosques in Turkey, dating back to the Byzantine era, bearing a distinct history as a witness to the successive Byzantine and Islamic influences on the region.
  • Aya Yorgi Church: Dating back to the Byzantine period, it is one of the most prominent religious landmarks on the islands, featuring unique architecture and historical icons.
  • Peri Riza Palace: Reflecting the magnificent Ottoman architecture, this palace is an example of the wealth and luxury enjoyed by the upper class during that era.
  • Aya Yorgi Monastery: Located on Büyükada Island, it offers stunning views of the sea and serves as a peaceful site for reflection and prayer. Visitors can hike up narrow mountain paths to the monastery, adding a spiritual and natural adventure to the journey.


The Princess Islands epitomize the charm of nature and their ancient history in a unique artistic tableau, where historical landmarks meet natural beauty to create an unforgettable tourist experience. The islands offer a variety of attractions, from golden beaches to old houses, temples, and mosques that tell tales from different eras. Away from the city's noise, the Princess Islands provide a serene retreat where visitors can immerse themselves in an atmosphere of tranquility and peace, whether by biking or riding horse-drawn carriages, or by exploring dense forests and mountain trails.

The Princess Islands remain an ideal destination for adventurers, history enthusiasts, and nature lovers, where every visitor can find something special that makes them want to return. Here, in these enchanting islands, times and cultures converge to weave a unique story that remains etched in memory and invites continual exploration.